Sterilizing pot safety operation procedures have the following points?

The use of sterilizing pots should be carried out in strict accordance with the safety operating procedures. The safety operating procedures for sterilizing pots are as follows:

(1) The operating process indicators of the sterilization pot include high working pressure and high working temperature.

(2) Operation methods, procedures and precautions for the sterilizer.

(3) Key inspection items and parts should be inspected during production operation, as well as possible abnormal phenomena and preventive measures during operation.

(4) Maintenance methods when the equipment is out of service.

The sterilizing pot is equipped with safety valves, pressure gauges, thermometers and other accessories, which must be kept safe, complete, sensitive and reliable. Maintenance and regular verification should be added during use. 

Sterilizers should be inspected regularly, with external inspections at least once every six months and inspections at least once a year. Preparations and inspection items before inspection should be carried out in accordance with the “Procedures” and relevant regulations, and the inspection reports should be archived and filed.

When the equipment is out of service, the internal and external surfaces of the sterilizing pot and lid should be cleaned.

Post time: Dec-20-2023